Tuesday 15 December 2009

we showed out media production to a group of friends.

we recored them giving ther opinions about it using our mobile phones, we uploaded it to the computer then embed it onto our blogg.

By having audience feed back we were able to see what was good about and it we could do to improve it .

The outcom of the showing was really good, they saw the our mot and it was gd,

there was positive and negative effects.

after this we decide to change certain saspects of our media production.

one person sed that some of the bits looked random we didnt reali make it clear as to what it was or how it linked with the prodution.

what we changed or add??

more people dancing nad holding the dance your cares away sign

taking about the bits were the girl is walking throung the school children and the people all sitting ang laughting. this didnt link in with our theme or dance ur cares away

it too long to get to the point about people havin pobs.

Research for cd

reaserch for cd planing

woman tend to have netural backgrounds and tends to have a full close up of face of long shots.

the are looking directly into the camera inmost cases, they tend to show a little bit of skin.

where as the male artists tend to be top less or have an open shirt showing their body.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Planning for Advert


( text: size 88, blod, constantia, red,regular) The red stands out againt the white background - eye catching.

(Text: size 88, bold, constantia,black, regular) stands out

(Text: size 80, century gothic, magenta,)regular

The artist name and out now are the most important text on the advert as its what the looker see first. To make sure it is noticable i have used big fonts and bold colors they will stand out.

This is the ablum name: The style of writing is lucida handwriting. its more elegant and soft.
(Text: size 41, magenta, regular). The magenta color is very bright , makes the audience feels happy on energetci.

This is what hels us to sell the product, our messge to the readers. As red is in our motfi. Against a black blackground it stands out.
(Text: Arial narrow, red, italic, size 30)

(Female artists tend to have neutral colors), we chose a few neutrals and vibrant colors.

Advert Ideas

Wednesday 4 November 2009

CD case ideas

Standard pack 4 doors
Color: red, black and sliver
Front cover: Me & Shanice
Insert Page: Me & Shanice throwing the posters dance your cares away
CD background: An image
Back page: List of songs on album

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Friday 18 September 2009

Music video analysis

This video is sending out a powerful meaning to its listeners. The song is talking about issue an problems we have in society. The world is turning darker and darker, some people in society don't care about what consequences their actions have on others. People are living their lives with no meaning, living in fear.
Not respecting on another. People discriminate because of race, ethnicity the way people look.Young minds are filled with the negativity the media shows.Making it harder for young girls to fit in as there is a certain image girls think other girls should look like.

This image is show through out the video as a motif. Its placed in different places, on buildings, doors, cars and peoples body. It is an import symbol for the video. For my music video i used the same idea in having our motif places in different places in which the girl would be dancing. Its almost as if her inner self is trying to send her a message but she doesn't realise it yet.

In this video " Run away love" it shows the troubled lives of three young girls.
This song has an extremely powerful meaning, it sends a message to everyone that
everything is not what it seems and that life can be really hard and trouble and
you may not realise its happening to someone. The girls come form broken families where they have suffered form abuse and neglect.

At the begging the different shots of the different girls shows us there facial expression from that we can tell there sad, not really showing too much emotion almost as if there is no life in them. " Bleeding on the inside crying on the out".

The lighting in some of these scenes, especially wh
en the girls are in their rooms it all dark and gloomy which can be associate with evil and badness. " Hell is a place called home".

Throughout the video, the artists appears in the background of the scene, sometimes dressed in white or black - good and bad. There almost like a spirit
that's always with them. I thought this would be a good motif to use in our video as it seems as if its here guardian angle helping them to get away ( run away love).

Also we see walls covered with paper of images and writing of all the
girls that have disappeared. This again is corresponding of our video in that its a message being put across. At the end all the run away girls unite together with candles in there hands, symbolising there is no life without light.

Kelly Roland's video is about 3 young teenagers. A boy would was bullied too far that in the end he committed suicide. He was seens as invisible, ate lunch by himself," nobody gave him the time of day".

His father was abusing his mum, no one every thought much of him. The message Kelly is putting is that people with talent, who may be shy and scared of speaking out will have there lives taken from them." The good die young". This video refectls on some issues youths today have to deal with. Being bullied because they are different from the rest.

The name of the song is called stole - meaning their lives have been stolen from them.

This video shows a lot of pain and emotion and plays on the the audiences feelings. It makes the audiences feel sorry for the characters. The young girl traumatized by the boys death, stops here from living her life.

The image of kelly throughout the video is seem as an angelic like figure. There is always a light shining around here face. White is symbolised with pure and clean.

After the boy kills himself the song says..." he's not invisible anymore...everybody now his name" when the camera crew come they say how he was bullied and was a nobody no one was really friends with and they wish now that they were.

At the end when we see the in loving memory wall, we see the message " Think before you act". Meaning that what you say can cause a negative effect on people. It can scare them mentally. Make them feel worthless.

In our music video we have the idea of the girl being bullied by others in her school. She feels alone and all she can do to express herself is to dance her cares away. Instead of a sad ending we decided to make it happy as sometimes in these situations in the end it can be good.
