Wednesday 11 November 2009

Planning for Advert


( text: size 88, blod, constantia, red,regular) The red stands out againt the white background - eye catching.

(Text: size 88, bold, constantia,black, regular) stands out

(Text: size 80, century gothic, magenta,)regular

The artist name and out now are the most important text on the advert as its what the looker see first. To make sure it is noticable i have used big fonts and bold colors they will stand out.

This is the ablum name: The style of writing is lucida handwriting. its more elegant and soft.
(Text: size 41, magenta, regular). The magenta color is very bright , makes the audience feels happy on energetci.

This is what hels us to sell the product, our messge to the readers. As red is in our motfi. Against a black blackground it stands out.
(Text: Arial narrow, red, italic, size 30)

(Female artists tend to have neutral colors), we chose a few neutrals and vibrant colors.

Advert Ideas

Wednesday 4 November 2009

CD case ideas

Standard pack 4 doors
Color: red, black and sliver
Front cover: Me & Shanice
Insert Page: Me & Shanice throwing the posters dance your cares away
CD background: An image
Back page: List of songs on album
